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    For history sake you need to stop in here.  Very Friendly staff.  Quaint and historic stop. Apparently Andrew Jackson had spent an evening here.  It is interesting how the establishment has been kept up.  Next time I am down this way I will definitely be back in.  The food was neither great, nor bad.  I do wish the rooms were available for rent.

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    This is the fanciest place in town, yet you feel perfectly fine eating here in shorts and a t-shirt. I had the lunch special, and the service was quick and friendly. We were, however, the only customers dining there.

    My meal (just $8) was huge. It consisted of beef and noodles, white bean soup and corn bread, steamed broccli (way too cooked-bleh) and a macaroni salad. Although the lunch was a tremendous value the food was really lacking. Pointedly, it was not good. But it was not awful, either. And the place is charming, truly, and the service was nice; efficent even. So, three stars. Probably your best option in West Union and worth a try.

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    Good home cooking...nothing fancy. I went with the wayside burger: a non-frozen option. Wayside recently was purchased by new owners, and the server that helped us seemed like they were new as well. A large menu - which usually freaks me out, but the burger was good...fries not so much. Clean restaurant, which is a huge plus for me.

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    The historical significance of this establishment far outweighs it's current incarnation.  There is a small hotel here as well as a restaurant that serves good food at very inexpensive prices.  It is a great place to stop for a quick bite and maybe a gander at the history....but that's about it.  Be sure to check out the Ohio historical marker out front.  Who would have guessed Mexican dictator Santa Anna stopped here on the way to Washington after his defeat in Texas.

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