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    This husband is convinced. The One Horse Tavern is a great spot to get a good draft beer and great food. If you somehow don't feel like one of the the best steaks you will ever taste on Fridays and Saturdays....then try the Farm Burger...every animal in the barn yard on a bun.

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    I had been wanting to try this place for a long time, but my husband wasn't as eager. Last Friday, though, after being told that the wait at the Grand Lodge was an hour and a half (!!!) we finally went to the One Horse. The price was fair, the food (I had a chef salad, he had a huge burger), the service was friendly, and the ambience was very fun and genuine. So much better than the Grand Lodge!

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    Ventured out of my suburban environ to this lil town for dinner...
    Gaston is a very small town about 15 miles southwest of Hillsboro on route 47.
    It has two pubs, One Horse Tavern and Ace's Tavern.. I went to One Horse Tavern after being intimidated by some reveiews of Ace's.
    Had the Flame burger which was very good.. The bartender kept to bussiness with a straight face . The chef was nicer ... Overall it was a 3.5...

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