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    Really cool Old West type of watering hole with years of stuff on the wall and high ceilings. Populated with regulars- friendly folks and a personable bartender.
    I enjoyed hanging around this place with a friend and 'Jameson'  while the wives shopped the Victorian Weekend in Ferndale.

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  • 0

    As fun as it gets in Ferndale.  Beer + shuffleboard = a good time.  They've also got a few pool tables to and a jukebox, so there's more to do than just drink.

    Note to any non locals reading this, just because there are people using the shuffleboard as a seating area DOES NOT mean that there isn't a game in progress that they're just breaking from.  Always ask first.

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  • 0

    Awesome place where I go with friends every time I visit home.  The jukebox is great, and you'll know everyone who walks through the door.

    If you're slutty, you can get a free t-shirt if you change into it in front of the bartenders.

    Minus 1 Star for walking in at the wroonng time.

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