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    My favorite thing about this place is the atmosphere. It's like a big log cabin in the woods! The food is good, not great. They have a large selection of beers. The service is pretty good...not great, but the waitress made up for her lack of skills with personality.

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    Big ol' Texas honkey tonk. Real nice, spacious place with lot's of parking. Owner put some big $$ into this joint. 3 pool tables, 1 shuffleboard table. Lots of weekly entertainment and drink specials. This place could really be a hot Texas live music venue in the near future. A little off the beaten path so have a good idea where your going before making the trip. Real easy for Austinites, just hit 290 to 21 and your there. All too typical dead animal heads on the wall which this place just doesn't need. Don't go hungry. Typical fried sports bar fare which was pretty good but my wife and I went recently for lunch at 1:00 p.m., were the ONLY people in the place ordering and eating and it took 45 minutes to get a burger, onion rings and a chicken finger basket with fries. We dealt with the hunger pangs by ordering 3 appetizers which came out 1 basket at a time, 5 minutes apart.  Again, typical fried finger food. Evidently someone figures to make some big money off appetizers because that's the only reason I can figure we had to wait so long. I had a clear view of the kitchen and honestly don't have a clue as to what the cook was doing that took so darn long. Great place to grab a cold one, but eat before going.

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    See tip above. Rude staff/owner have ensured that I will take my business elsewhere.

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    We went here on 10/12/2012 to get some food, have a few drinks and enjoy some live music.

    When we first walked in we grabbed a table and waited...and waited...and waited. I finally asked an nearby table if there were waiters/waitresses and was told that there was neither. OK...headed to a window at the kitchen and order our food. It was delivered to our table and it tasted great.

    After ordering the food, the woman behind the counter at the kitchen started a tab for me and then took it behind the bar where I had to wait for a bartender to take me drink order. A very jumbled method and I think they can easily improve this.

    A good selection of beer behind the bar, but it was hard for me to tell exactly what they had. I didn't see a menu listing the beer choices and my eyes aren't that great to be able to read beer labels in a cooler behind the bar. Also since there was not a waiter/waitress I now had to get the bartenders attention. They have a ton of stools around the bar, which were mostly full, so it was hard to get up to the bar to place an order. Again, just not a smooth operation. They either need to have a waiter/waitress or provide a place for people to walk up and order drinks without having to elbow other patrons out of the way.

    Live music was really good and I see they have a lot of great Texas music coming up within the next few weeks.

    Overall we enjoyed our night, but with a few small improvements this would easily become a 4.5 to 5 star review.

    We'll head back out there sometime soon and I'll re-review.

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    Papa Woody's is AWESOME!!!!  The food is great!  The venue is great!  The live music never disappoints.  And the outdoor concerts are top notch!  It helps that its only a few miles from my house, too.  I tell everyone to go and check it out.  Great upcoming concerts, too.  Check out their website for dates.  The ONLY downside to the whole place is Paige is not regulated on smoking so there is smoking inside.  Easy enough to get away from that, though, just eat on the back porch!  Go to Papa Woody's if you haven't made it yet.  You will not regret it!!!

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    FUN place to party and hear music. Great outdoor venue as well as a fun indoor bar too!  Live Music was good both nights and the people running the bar made us feel very WELCOME even though we were city slickers~ HA~I will hope to get back up there real soon!

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    This is a very nice place with great food!  I've been a couple times and had a great time every time.  Great live music and karaoke!  The burgers and fried fish are amazing!  I will definitely be back and would recommend it to others!

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    I live in McDade  and was thrilled to find out we have a live music spot close to the house. I went with my neighbor and saw the Crop Dusters. They were great, lots of people, the service friendly and fast. The place is great, good size dance floor, nice big patio outdoors, couple of pool tables, a really great, country kind of place out in the woods but close to 290 so it's easy to get to.. I understand they are going to have food pretty soon too- Catfish and stuff- I will definitely be back-

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