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    Any time I've been here it's been a lot of fun. Whether it's a cover band or someone you know (I was at the Mountain Goats/Bright Eyes concert, too!) nothing beats an outdoor venue like this one. Fireworks on the Fourth of July are fun as well! The only negative thing I can say about it could be the traffic/parking depending on the state of the parking lot across the street. Get there early and grab some drinks from one of the bars in town!

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    I really have nothing bad to say about this venue. It's about ten miles or so north of Syracuse, is sponsored by Budweiser, and from what I can tell doesn't generally host "mainstream" bands. We drove up for a Mountain Goats/Bright Eyes concert, and had an awesome time. It's pretty easy to get up close, but if you want to sit (or need to, like say you sprained your ankle a day before the show...) you can do so and still see the stage better than you might at a larger, urban venue. Friendly staff, reasonably priced beer, and scenic surroundings make for an awesome setting to listen to good music.

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