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    Went to Pearl's twice, and it was amazing both times. It's about the coolest place there is in Bernard, Iowa. It's a tiny little diner in the middle of nowhere with some of the greasiest, baddest-for-you, bestest food there is. Burgers and fries are only a few bucks. The daily specials are very plentiful and super good! With locals frequenting it, you may stick out like a sore thumb if your blue jeans are clean, because the normal patrons are decked out in overalls, muddy boots, and bushy beards. On top of the great food and prices, the floor is sunken and completely slanted, which makes for sort of a unique experience. It's really a neat and unique gem. The food is great and it's a must go to if you're in the area and bored with normal go to restaurants.

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