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    The decor is very nice and the ice cream is pretty good. I haven't tried their food but I've heard it's pretty average.

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    Takes too damn long.  Costs too damn much.  Looks too damn fake.  And waaay too much space (will be damned later).  Ambience is just kinda...not there.  In all reality, the place is just boring and not tasty and well a POS. or something like it.
    Oh yeah, the food isn't great.  It's decent, but just not great for the price.

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    Prepare to wait forever to get your food.  

    I ordered a Chicago dog.  That is:  an all beef, natural casing hotdog on a toasted or steamed bun, with onions, mustard relish, celery salt, hot peppers, sliced tomato and a pickle spear.  I got that, but literally more than fifteen minutes after I paid for my order.  While it was good, it's not the best.  Actually, now that I think of it, it wasn't even a natural casing hotdog. Whatever.

    The reason I even give them 3 of 5 stars is because their desserts are REALLY great, the phosphate that I had was good but overly sweet, and the place is really nicely decorated.  I guess waiting over three years for it to be built was worth it.

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    Great atmosphere and good food (I had a cuban sammi: Turkey on a haystack), but the service is a little slow (fine unless you're in a hurry) and it's a little overpriced (Sandwich, chips, and soda = $8). Its close to my work and I will definitely keep it on my rotation.

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