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    I stopped here on the way to picking up the SO from work and ordered pizza and wings for pickup on our way back through town. It is on the corner and I drive by both coming and going. There is seating inside and they also deliver.

    I ordered the Brewy and a dozen wings for pickup at a specific time. We got back to pickup a little early (15 minutes) and the pizza wasn't quite done.  The pizza was loaded with toppings (the Brewy is a 6 item, you pick them topped pizza) and lots of cheese. The crust seemed a little soft (soggy and a little greasy) once I got it home to eat, but not bad. We tend to eat takeout pizza a little at a time, so popping a slice in the toaster oven or microwave will take care of the crust.

    The wings were bone-in and plain. The one I ate had good flavor and not greasy. Two thumbs up!

    Overall, a convenient and tasty pizza place. It is a family owned and run place, with "Mom" and the kids there the night I picked up.

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