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    Ok, first disclaimer...I'm not really sure of the address. This guy set up a food truck in the field next to the Two Wheel Inn. He does have a "parking lot", but it's just loose gravel, so don't take your bike there. But he does deliver...at least to the Two Wheel Inn.  Menus are available at the TWI office with all their offerings.

    You would be surprised what a person can do with a little ingenuity and hard work. Somehow, this guy and his partner crank out fantastic pizzas and calzone from what looks like a cotton candy trailer. In fact, I think it was a cotton candy trailer at some point. But they managed to squeeze a pizza oven into the tiny space and can put out a dozen pizzas in less than a half hour. How do I know? Because that's how many we ordered and they delivered them within an hour of the call. Their crust is hand tossed, which is a circus trick right there, the sauce is made daily and they use all fresh ingredients. The pie is almost cooked to perfection, but I'm cutting them slack because of the space constraints. The sauce is just right; not too sweet and not too bitter. Ample amount of toppings on each pie, depending on what you order. They offer two sizes; large and personal. And they deliver both! We didn't try the calzone, but if it's anything like the pizza, I'll eat it!

    I'm sure that the cart is really the TARDIS...

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