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    Pretty average small South Texas town Mexican food joint. Typo-laden menu, drive-thru where you drive up and they hand you a copy of the menu and make you do another lap around it while you decide what you want, etc.

    My wife is from Mathis so we come by every now and then to see her folks. This time we pulled up early enough in the morning for breakfast so we got a couple of meals and tacos to go.

    I went for my standard - two tacos al pastor. The chunks of meat were a little too big for my liking and kind of dry, but nothing some extra onions and cilantro couldn't fix. There was plenty of that to go around, thankfully. The tortillas were homemade and delicious.

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  • 0

    My fave Mexican restaurant! We are faithful diners at least once a week. Authentic tex-mex. reasonable prices and friendly staff.

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