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    A quaint little bar in downtown Elgin. Bar staff is very friendly & the locals who frequent have character! It's not too far off of US 290, so If you're in Elgin it's worth checking out. The bar itself does not have much of a craft beer selection, but carries Rahr & Sons on tap.

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    We stop in to quoffers about once or twice a year, nice little bar and a great selection of beer.

    The good: great selection of beer

    The ugly: they allow smoking and it gets really bad.

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    Its okay for a dive bar... if you can stand the smoke.

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    Picture yourself in the late evening walking down main street in Historic Elgin, Texas and faintly hearing the unmistakeable sounds of  blues, jazz or zydeco music coming from  this quaint storefront pub . We've been to  Quaffers Pub several times and have never been disappointed. The place has a genuine  "Cheers" friendliness to it. They serve a surprising variety of different beers, both foreign and domestic. Of course, while sipping your suds, you can watch several flat screens showing various sporting events. The theme of Quaffers is definitely that of a British pub as evidenced by the Union Jack flag draped over the stage and the cockney sounding bartender. You kinda have to wonder what a British pub is doing smack dab in the middle of " boot-skootin" country. But in a unique way, it works! The set-up of the bar reminds me of what early Maggie Mays on 6th  St used to look like before they ruined it by expanding  and thus losing much of the flavor. The building itself dates back to the early 1900's. You can still see the old Spearmint gum painted ad on the wall. According to stories, the building used to house a funeral parlor and is allegedly haunted which adds some paranormal character to the place. What stands out though, is the quality of music performers that play there. We were fortunate to hear Wendy Collona,  and Ginger Leigh perform there. Acoustics are great. The relaxed environment lends itself to an immediate bonding between performer and audience. Reminds me of hearing music at the old Alamo Lounge and Cactus Cafe.  We never paid a cover which is unusual given the outstanding musicians that play there. I do wish that they served food in the evenings. We usually eat at the City Cafe which walking distance down the street before hopping to Quaffers. If you are tired of the 6th St. scene, head on out to Elgin and visit Quaffers Pub.

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