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    Well, unlike what another reviewer says we are SO NOT spoiled by great pizza places around here - at least not up here on the Ridge (Chico has a couple of decent places, but I really wish Mary's would open a place closer to here)...
    BUT - getting back to Red Lion, I have had there Pizza more than a 15-20 times over the past couple of years because they deliver here in Magalia (so I can't comment on their restaurant).  Their pizza is what I would call average for a California pizza - plenty of toppings.  Crust is OK, a cut above Dominos, on par with Round Table, but this sure ain't brick oven quality.  The sauce seems designed "not to offend" instead of shooting for being really special at the risk of being "too this" or "too that" for somebody.  But when your family wants Pizza, this will work, the kids will probably love it & and its a long ways from being bad.  Their is plenty of bad pizza in small towns, Magalia is lucky to have a place with at least halfway decent pizza.

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    Very shocked at all the negative reviews!  This pizza is absolutely delish!  Our favorite is pepperoni and sausage with the garlic sauce plus extra garlic!  To die for... No lie drive from Paradise up to Magalia just to indulge, and BTW  on Wednesdays if you buy and X-large pizza you get a free pitcher of beer!  All this and I paid under 20 bucks!  Where else can you get a deal like that...   Love, love, love this place.

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    We are spoiled with great pizza joints around here, Red Lion is not one of them.  It is mediocre at best.  Ive gone there 2 times and I do not plan to ever go there again.  Id rather drive to Paradise to get a decent slice.

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    Love their pizza...i was shocked at all the bad feedback.  The Garbage Can is my favorite!  A medium must weigh about 10 lbs...come on people there is a reason it has been in business for over 20 years..Very good quality toppings.  We are moving to Chico and we will miss Red Lion

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    Not so great. Crust : tastes like out of the box crust. Sauce: tomato paste . Toppings: low quality.  That's it. I'd drive to Chico for Pizza before going here again!

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    These other people obviously don't like good pizza. It's greasy, but no more so than Round Table or Little Caesars. The Big Red Supreme is epic in weight and flavor, and their Ranch Chicken Pizza (or whatever it's called) is awesome.

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    The pizza is appallingly greasy, but no moreso than any of the major chains like Domino's.  The prices are really good, but I recommend takeout because the ambiance is kind of dirty.  Much cheaper than other places with food just as good gets three stars from me.

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    I really dislike this place, I have given i chance after chance the past few years.

    I would rather not eat here but it does have some arcade games and pool so at times it might be the only place to really hang out in Magalia.

    The prices are about alright but the food just doesnt live up to it, very greasy and kinda on the creepy side when you look at the pizza you might think it plans to eat you.

    But people do come back so something must be alright with it.

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