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    Found this place here on Yelp, tried the Idaho trout and Cajun chicken sandwich. Everything was really good, and fresh. It was a little off the route, but totally worth it!

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    The burgers are handmade, thick and juicy. They have a nice variety on their menu, which appealed to my wife. Kids fair was pretty standard. Quiet, friendly and attentive staff. All together, a win.

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    If you're driving from Boise to Twin Falls along the I-84 you have to make a side trip to Hagerman (about 8 mi off the freeway) and visit the River Boat Restaurant. The whole staff is friendly. The food is freshly made and great. Try the Cajun chicken sandwich for lunch. It's amazing! If you don't see it on the menu just asked the chef. He'll make it for you special. He's from New Orleans and he knows Cajun! Yeah baby!

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    It was past dinnertime and my stomach was grumbling as I drove through Hagerman on a road trip. I checked out a few other restaurants in town first, and it seemed like everything here was going to be either a tourist trap or a dive. From the parking lot, the River Boat looked like it could go either way. Inside, the decor was dive-y but the menu was middle of the road. Screw it, I figured, I'm hungry and tired of driving around. It turned out to be a pleasant surprise.

    Despite a run-down building and a menu heavy on bar foods, dinner was pretty tasty. I got the captain's platter with a variety of seafood. Most of the fish was the freezer-to-fryer variety I expected, but the calimari was amazing. Big, tender pieces. I've only had better in a handful of restaurants, all of them much fancier and more expensive than here.

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    Very friendly staff, who was willing to answer lots of questions about the menu.  The steak tips that I got on the waitress' recommendation were pretty top notch.  The fries were good, but not excellent.  Certainly a place I'd look at eating at again, when/if I was back in Hagerman.

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    Awesome food. Homemade fresh everything from scratch. The staff was very friendly and even made a trip to the local market to get extra fruit for my kids.  I'd go back tomorrow if we were staying nearby.

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