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    I have had good and bad experiences here.  The first time I visited, my friends and I bowled and had appetizers on the lanes.  The apps were good and the lanes here are very nice; probably one of the best bowling alleys I've been to.  I have no complaints about this first visit.

    The second visit, however, was pretty bad.  We had dinner and drinks at the restaurant first this time, and planned on bowling after we were done eating.  The place was completely dead, but for some reason it took FOREVER for us to get any of our drinks and food.  If I remember correctly, I think we waited about 45 minutes for our food, which consisted of salads, sandwiches, and burgers.  Once we got the food it was delicious (granted I was starving at this point), but that didn't really make up for the fact that it took so long to get it.   As I said, we planned on bowling afterwards, but at this point it was too late and the lanes were going to close so we weren't able to.

    Overall, I was pretty disappointed.  I may consider bowling here again in the future, but I will not be visiting the restaurant again, especially since there are so many other places in town that can get me my food within a reasonable time.

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