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    This place stinks like vomit and urine.

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    I love the RiverBend, I worked there for 8 years and it was the greatest! The liveliest bar by night in Beeville. The dance floor is always packed and there's always a dj on the weekends. Hip-hop Tuesdays, Karaoke on Wednesdays, and other fun nights throughout the week.  There are two bars, one large bar that seats many, and a second half bar on the pool table side. There's many different seating areas to accommodate your party. It's also light and airy during the day, not dark and drab like other bars, many windows and lots of light, but not too much- so it makes for a relaxing happy hour. The owners are great and a lot of fun! They party along with everyone and make sure everyone is having a good time.

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