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    We met up with some friends at this modest little place that has concrete floors and corrugated metal walls - important if you want to have a conversation when there's any actual crowd present.  Not a biggie.  The real problem of the night: I ordered some water with my fried chicken dinner and their drinking water is appalling.  In fact, it has a visible color of rust to it.  My husband went out to our car to bring in a bottle of water.  The server told him it was against the law to bring in outside beverages.  We asked if we could buy a bottle of water.  Nope, they don't sell bottled water.  My husband knew I didn't want anything else with my dinner, so he quietly went outside, emptied my water glass, and filled the water glass with my bottled water.  The waitress came over, informed him that he had been seen filling the water glass with my freshly opened bottled water outside, and it had to be thrown out.  Good grief!  I could understand if we were bringing in our own alcohol or a beverage that they sold, but WATER?  When their own was atrocious?  Wow.

    I only gave two stars instead of one because they served the three-piece friend chicken dinner, told me that they thought the chicken cooked up "too small," and cooked and served three more pieces for free.  That was nice, but quite overshadowed by the ridiculous water incident.  We won't be going back.  Neither will anyone in our rather sizable party.

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