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    I stopped by for the first time after going to Wollersheim for their brandy event.   Wollersheim did a great job with tasting at different tour stations, but the place was a zoo due to popularity, and the place had an over-sanitized feel, though this is necessary to provide a venue for the crowds.

    So, then,  looking for something laid-back and homey, went into Roxbury, and the Dorf Haus wasn't open yet (good reviews on Yelp).   The Roxbury Tavern was, and although I had read the hiccuppy reviews, it looked welcoming, and it was.   Sitting at the bar was a feast for the eye - - great hanging things and odd bar-ish things.  The Port Huron stout was a semi-decent brew, and then noticed a sign for grilled asparagus for $3.95.   From where I was sitting, I could watch the burgers being made on the grill (done with style and care) and then how the asparagus was grilled (vegetarians be careful - - it was done in the same spot on the same griddle as the burgers).    The asparagus was super tasty on a bed of spring greens with lemon (though a touch heavy due to the old burger flavor and post-grill butter drippings), the people were really nice (especially the waittrix, who was super genuine and naturally fun, not over-the-top manic fun - - but genuinely nice), and the atmosphere was actually kind of rare and wonderful.   I'll head up there happily from MIddleton again (under half an hour) to sit at the bar, with the really nice people, on both sides of the bar.   Next time I'll also get a burger.   A really fine experience.

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    Dingy atmosphere. Gross Food. RUDE small town staff. I made a mistake in ordering because the menu was not clear, and when we requested to exchange my food we got attitude from a bratty waitress. So we went to the cook/head figure who also said something like 'oh well, you should have known better, you need to pay for what you got'. Right. so i sat there with no dinner.

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    I've passed-by the Roxbury Tavern on a number of occasions - usually while riding my bike or when visiting the Dorf Haus for their awesome fish fry.  Folks have been telling me about the Tavern's Sunday breakfast for quite a while, but for some reason I never made the special trip to give it a try until this past weekend.

    I arrived at around 11:00am and was nervous the place would be too full.  Upon entering, I was pleasantly surprised to find that only 2 tables were occupied, and the waitress invited me to "sit where you'd like."

    I grabbed a corner table and took-in the ambiance, which is quite political, but light-hearted.  There's also a wide array of items - it gave me the feeling of visiting that semi-nutty aunt who's on the brink of becoming a hoarder, but in a good way.

    The waitress stopped by with a menu and offered coffee.  I took it, along with a glass of water.  I didn't need the menu, as I was there for one thing, and one thing alone: the Roxbury's infamous pancakes.

    Yes, the pancakes that you've probably heard about - the fresh-milled organic ones that are supposed to be divine.  

    I ordered the blueberry pancakes and settled-in.  A small group of bicyclists wandered in, grabbed a table, and received prompt service as well.  The waitstaff was obviously on their A game this morning.

    As was the kitchen, because my pancakes arrived after just five minutes of waiting.  To say I was shocked would be an understatement.  The three pacakes were served with a single pat of butter, a bottle of real maple syrup, and a trio of pork sausage links.

    I wished there would've been more butter, but alas, I did my best to evenly distribute the pat.  A light drizzle of syrup, and I was ready dig-in.

    The pancakes were piping hot; the first bite was a bit too hot to taste, so I went for the sausage links - same story.  So, I cooled my jets for a bit...

    After a few minutes of waiting, I got my first real tastes, and.... underwhelming.  Perhaps I had built-them-up too much beforehand, but they didn't taste any better or different than the pancakes from anywhere else... and, I think I prefer the Pancake House and Willalby's much more.

    They weren't bad; they were just unimpressive... On the thin side, light on blueberry, cooked "average" and not really exciting or unique.  The pork wasn't anything spectacular, either.  So, the entire breakfast was a solid C.

    The price was fair, the service was great, and I liked the environment.

    Roxbury = MEH

    Service = 4 stars
    Food = 2.5 stars
    Value = 3 stars
    MISC = 3 stars

    If you're feeling like a little road trip, drive on up to Roxbury and check out the Tavern.  The egg breakfasts I saw looked good from afar... perhaps I'll have to give them a try in the future.

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