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    Best bar in Florence hands down! Great atmosphere with the carpeted ceiling that is alone reason enough to check this place out. Really good pizza, wings, cheese steaks. All the rustic small town bar feel with very friendly service and a really cool huge dance floor/ conference room, although no carpet ceilings in there.

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    It's a Florence, MT "monument".  Still has carpet on the ceiling from the 70's and smells like old smoke and stale beer.  But, heck, it's a small town hang out.  The new owner is the old owner - with a different owner in the middle of all that.  So if you remember the Rustic Hut before it was High Times, it is once again the Rustic Hut.

    Kitchen is leased out to "Ape Hangers" and is pretty good.  The nachos are good, as is the prime rib Fridays.

    I hear it's hoppin' on the weekends but we tend to stay away then.

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