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    This place looked to be closed for a while. I am not sure if they renovated or what.

    But I can review this place on my experience there before the closing. It was a few years ago, though, so maybe things have changed.

    It was recommended to me by a friend who liked going there. He said the food was good and it was a cool hangout. He must have been drunk before going in and completely shit faced on the way out.

    This place is a neighborhood dive bar, through and through. The bathrooms are really gross. Doors are broken. Writing is everywhere. It looks completely unsanitary and believe me, I am not shy when it comes to such things. I went to the bathroom in many dives in cities and other places. This place isn't just dirty. It looks like you could catch any number of diseases in the bathroom, alone.

    The food menu is bar food with a few things mixed in to make it appear like they are a little higher class. I am not sure why. It tasted like bar food. It was dry and overcooked. Just not good stuff.

    I did have a beer which was the highlight. Duuuuhhh..... bar.  They really don't have much more than the standard domestic beer on tap. Boring national and regional pop star favorites.

    The waitress was really nice. She was the highlight. Other than that, it was loud as a bar will be. It was dingy as a dive bar always is.

    There was a selection of regulars, here. You could tell by the way they were touching each other. I thought I might have stepped into a gay bar which would have been fine but I am straight and was with my wife who happens to be a female.

    Honestly, then I thought, wait a minute. This can't be a gay bar because they would at least have a clean bathroom and take care of their place.

    Aside from all of this the bar had darts, a pool table, a jukebox with decent selections of hard rock and heavy metal. There were games of some type in the one corner.

    Look, I wouldn't typically review something like this. But this was a dive bar trying to pass itself off like a restaurant. It was far from that.

    They wanted to be everything that a few other local establishments are. A restaurant with a bar. That is what Big Daddy's, JP's, and the Waterfront are. They pull it off much better than this place.

    But, if you just want a place to go and have a beer and not deal with yuppies or any judgmental looks, this would be a decent place to do so. Just do me a solid. Don't go to the bathroom.

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