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    We drove out to Fallingwater from Pittsburgh with my mother-in-law and 12 year old son. We planned to find a place in the area for "elegant dining" but it turned out to be the hottest day of the year and we sat in the car in Donegal and searched on the iPad for a while, couldnt decide. So we drove toward Fallingwater and ended up stopping at this place.  It was a great lunch. The place looks like a typical country diner, small and yet it was charming in a special way. The family country restaurant turned out to be just what we needed.  The food here is cooked to order from very fresh ingredients. My husband and his Mom had the turkey platter and they said both said it was great, it was made with a fresh roasted turkey, not the defrosted slabs of turkey familiar to most of us. My son had a burger that was perfect, and again you could tell it was a handmade patty, not the frozen circle of meat slapped on a grill. I had a club sandwich that was simple, fresh, and delicious.  The ice teas were great too,  And the service was friendly and attentive but not intrusive. Sometimes simple and fresh tops "elegant", it made for an enjoyable meal and was not expensive. I highly reccommend it for those in the Fallingwater area.

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    This little place not too far from Fallingwater was a nice treat. we went in sat down and a kind lady came up and gave us menus, we proceded to order some lunch and in about 20 minutes our food was there. Not bad at all. It was a little drafty and they only accept cash, but it was worth it.

    There were lots and lots of families there eating, I didnt see any couples at all actually.

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