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    The only thing I can say about this place is "Floor it.  Just keep going.  Don't even look at the perty train details, just GO!"

    We just finished hiking the Comet Falls trail on a cold, rainy August day (ugh, I know) and we craved some hot liquor and coffee-laden drinks.  My parents mentioned this place (had never been) and we all went to check it out.   First impression was bad (all six of us complained of a weird chemical smell in the parking lot.  Not a good sign.)  And upon entering, we were eye contact-deprivedly demanded for our I.D.'s, which is a pet peeve of mine (I'm here for a drink, not here to investigate your establishment for drugs).

    The funny (very bizarre) part was that my brother's 23 year old fiance was declined serivice because she holds a Washington state "vertical I.D.", which to you out of staters is the I.D. cards that under-21 year-olds got before the year 2002 or so due to new driving regulations on younger drivers.  Its a completely valid ID, its just that younger people tend to have them.

    She refused us service (all of us were 23-50 years old) because of this and we went up the street to the base camp outdoor restaurant and pub (the name escapes me) that was an absolute blast campared to their poorly-veiled attempt at age discrimination that lost them a good $80 tab.  

    Oh and this place looks depressing inside.  And the chemical smell permeates the interior.  Skip.

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