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    Located near the unincorporated town of Thirty, south of Centerville, this roadhouse is a popular country-rock themed destination among bikers and the working class.    

    We seated ourselves at the horseshoe-shaped bar.  The basics (Bud, Miller Light) are on tap, everything else is in bottles.  We ended up getting a couple of bottles.

    Our bartender was nice and chatty (in a good way) and kept us entertained during our stay.

    I had some difficulty with the restroom.   The men's room door would not close despite repeated attempts by me to do so.   Oh well, when you've gotta ago, you've gotta go!

    I later heard an interesting anecdote about this bar from a patron at another bar.    I have been unable to verify the veracity of his story, and it doesn't reflect on The Silver Spur at all as it could happen anywhere, but it's too interesting a bit of gossip not to share:

    "The Silver Spur used to be called Larry's Silver Spur. Larry was a really nice guy, but then one day his wife up and shot him in the head. She's in prison now." *

    "Then later there was a couple in there and they had an argument. The girlfriend stormed out and the boyfriend stayed inside, he was going to wait for her to cool off and knew she'd come back in. But she never did... because when she went outside she stepped onto the highway and got flattened by a semi."

    "They got most of her for the burial, but one arm was unattainable."

    Like I said, who knows if there's any truth to it or not, but if there is, those are some interesting tidbits about this bar's history.

    * (I've checked the liquor licenses back as far as 1998, the earliest available online, and it's been the same owner all that time and in fact she may have owned it since at least 1990.  So if there's any truth to the shooting story, it was a LONG time ago.  However the licenses DO list the official name as "Larry's Silver Spur" despite the fact that the  name "Larry" does not appear anywhere on the bar's signage and the owner is a woman.)

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