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    A very good place to grab a drink.  The people and help are very friendly.  But I may be biased since I grew up in Bisbee

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    Great divey locals bar in downtown Bisbee. They also have live music, but not at the time of the morning we were there! Cheap drinks and lively cliente. The lady was telling us how she exposed her heart-shaped shaven crotch area to her boyfriend on Valentine's Day - in the front yard.

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    This place rocks!

    The old crusties at the bar were fun to talk to. The bartender was very hospitable and tried very hard to make us happy. I was disappointed when we arrived to find they didn't serve food, as we had ridden our motorcycles 4 hours just to come here. The bartender rounded up a menu from a local Mexican restaurant and we had food brought to us within a few minutes. I don't think this is a regular thing, but the bartender did his best to see us happy.
    We even shot a video here: <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.roadpickle.com%2F2013%2F05%2Fbisbee-az-st-elmo-bar.html&s=423829746fba08974bd988aa4d17dd2db5fb7af43aa6dbbdfb2439a3f2a77fd7" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.roadpickle.co…</a>
    The decor is awesome and the drinks selection was good. Prices were fair. But the people are fun to hang out with!!! My kinda bar!!

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    Kind of a divey place where the locals stare at you when you walk in. My wife and I didn't really feel welcome here, even with my wife's aunt who lived near by.

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    Locals and tourists alike come here for ONE REASON - to drink excessively! A great band was playing on the Saturday night we popped in. This was by far the busiest place in town.

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    Friendly dive bar seems to be the place where all the locals go. The drinks were priced decently and they had a pool table though there selection of bourbon was lack luster they had what it took to get the job done.

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    I found St Elmo's by accident back in 2003 (???).  Have always wanted to go back.  Last weekend I got to do it. Better than I remembered.  If you like glitz and glamor, fake people, it's not for you.  If you like Apple bee's and Chili's, don't bother dropping by.  If you like to see if you can get past the velvet rope because you're wearing the latest fashion and you just lost ten pounds, go to Vegas or New York.

    If you like live local music in a bar that's been around since 1902.  If you like a bar where you feel everyone in the place accepts you the way you are.  If you like to dance but maybe you're not the best dancer. If you're sick of paying stupid prices for drinks......St Elmo's just might be for you.

    Bisbee, AZ is a cool town.  Haunted Hotels, micro brewery's, and lots of history.  St Elmo's ties it all together.  The owner of St Elmo's told me some people stop in Bisbee because they get a flat tire and never leave.  I can believe it.

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    when the husband and i walked up to st elmo, i wasn't exactly sure what to expect before he pulled the door open for me.

    just a dive bar that seems to be where the locals of bisbee like to party at. there was a guy falling asleep on the stool next to me and the bartender yelled his name a couple times to tell him she had ordered him a cab. that was kind of funny.

    i think st elmo is just a great place to people watch. but not really my scene. service was friendly and efficient!

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    Local flair and cheap drinks.  The night we visited they had a great 80's cover band.  I agree with the other reviewers - this place is definitely weird.  But we had a blast hanging out with the locals.

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    Rode our Harley's from California to St. Elmo's bar! Believe me they do not get any better! Drinks are damn good, beer is cold and the people are genuine. Live To Ride, Ride To Live, and Ride To St Elmos's to have a kisk ass time!

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    There's a saying that the locals in Bisbee use:  "Keep Bisbee Weird".  Well, St Elmo bar is doing a great job of that!

    If you want to hang out and watch the most eclectic mix of people imaginable, this is your bar.  Established in 1902, you could spend the evening just looking at the walls of the bar and reading all the signs and checking out the old photos.  Or you can wander over to the live band area and watch people in their 20's dancing along a few in their 60's (wearing headbands and braids I might add) dancing to disco music that should have died (the music, not the people) long ago.  

    It was funny, kooky, weird little bar. I loved it!  Don't expect great service there, by the way, the prices are average so there you go....

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    A dive bar than can hold its' own against any favorite dive bar you might care to compare it to. Great local scene, fantastic live '80's hair band, dancing and ridiculously strong drinks. Be prepared to stumble.

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    Best bar in town to catch the local "flavor."  Good drinks, great bartenders and always interesting scenery.  The stuff on the walls make this place a must see, every time I go in, I notice something I haven't seen before.  It's also "historic" being the oldest bar in Bisbee (since 1902).

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    AWESOME... and yet in a Bisbee kind of way, totally strange!The first thing you notice is all of the REAL authentic nick-nacks. So cool. Next coolest thing: The locals. After that it has to be the local beers on tap, and the dive-bar atmosphere... It ain't fancy, but it sure was aheck of a load of fun... the bar was full of bikers, lesbians, and music ranged from disco through 80s pop to hard rock on the juke box! Weird and totally cool.

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    St. Elmos is always a good time. Most weekend nights have a live band or karaoke. When thats not going on the juke box has an ok selection. Bartenders are normally nice. If you have a laid back bisbee attitude you will get along with most people in the bar. Love going there with big groups on the weekend and grabbing a table on the other side of the bar. Drinks are cheap and strong.

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