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    I really hesitate to give any chain restaurant five stars because I think if you have 8 million establishments then it would be pretty easy to get 'the formula' correct. With that said however, I was incredibly impressed with this Subway.

    I drive by it every time I go the metroplex and never think about stopping, on a return trip recently I changed that. The inside was pretty was very well maintained and extremely clean -- two things rarely found on a highway restaurant.

    I made my order without expecting too much from the people behind the counter, then my wife ordered for her and our 2 year old. Up to this point, everything was just like Subway always is. Once we reached the table though, the two year old tried to unwrap her sandwich and ended up dropping it on the floor and knocking over my sandwich in the process. It was an honest mistake so I wasn't upset just a little embarrassed. I cleaned up our mess and got back in line to reorder was had crashed onto the floor. By the time I got to the front of the line, the understanding lady behind the counter had remade our order and added a cookie for our daughter. She refused to let me pay for the 2 extra sandwiches and seemed to bless when I thanked her.

    I absolutely expected to pay for the replacements and rightly so, but this women saw what had happened did everything she could to get back on the road quickly. I was very appreciative of that!

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