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    Summer Camp delivered again this year! Even though we were awash in mud the whole weekend, it was well worth it.

    Updates: 2011 moved to Goose Island sponsorship so they no longer have Fat Tire :( On the upside, prices were pretty much the same as 2010. $28 for a 12 pack of Goose Island and $22 for Budweiser. They also had the addition of this bizarre Bud/Bud Light Lime Cooler for $55 that included the cooler and 12 beers. But you had to take like 6 Bud Light Lime...GROSS. $8 - $10 for a pack of cigarettes but they sold out before Bassnectar on Sunday so I'd bring plenty!

    Bathrooms: Still no where near enough to accommodate everyone and with the mud this year they were disgusting.  

    Food/Store Options: Remain among the best I've seen at a festival. And they never close unlike some festivals **cough EF cough***

    Security: We had a run in with a few bad apple security guards who were stealing beers and cigarettes from patrons. It was a frightening experience so we complained to management and they had the guys arrested! The head of security came out to personally apologize, which made me feel a lot better.

    I'll definitely be back for 2012!

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    I agree with ras j. It is kind of hard to rate this festival. On one hand the music is awesome. On the other overall I was miserable. I think it is a crap shoot depending on what weather you get, and no one controls the weather. We were in a foot of mud the entire weekend. I heard that typically 20,000 attend this festival, and this year there was about 40,000. You could tell that they just took all the extra cash and did nothing to accommodate twice the patronage. I am not a big enough music fan to put up with being that uncomfortable for three days. As far as the other reviewer who said that it is hard to get alcohol and drugs in there, um, she was not at summercamp. There were thousands of wookie kids all f-uped, I don't do drugs but it might have made the situation more bearable.
    It was a good experience to go once, but this is not a festival I would attend again.

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    This festival is the best. 2011 was the best of the 8 years i have went.  every year they squeeze in more and more music. get some gravel hauled into 3 sisters park and this festi cant be beat in the Midwest.

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    As far as music goes this festi is sweet. As far as the water situation and the heat in Illinois in mid summer goes. IT sucked. I wouldn't go back but I appreciate the dope as music that is there. I'll stick with mountain and Hornings style festies.

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    I've been to Summercamp 3 times and each time gets better and better. I can't wait to go back again this year! I never want to leave when its over, it becomes your home. I wish electronica wasn't taking over but its happening everywhere so what can ya do? I love being able to see Umphrey's and Moe. 3 nights in a row and camping so close to the stages. I love the campfire stage, its perfect for relaxing after the big shows. I highly reccomend going on thursday for the pre-party, it is definitely worth the extra bucks.
    I LOVE Summercamp!

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    The first night Summer Camp was going great for me until EVERYTHING WAS STOLEN OUT OF MY TENT on my 21st birthday. My toothbrush was even taken. Sleeping on the floor of my tent without a sleeping bag or pillow, well, it sucked. It was pretty cold at night too. THE STAFF WILL NOT HELP YOU. DO NOT EVEN ASK.

    The problem I have with Summer Camp is that you are simply expected to waltz in there with your tent and belongings, walk fifteen minutes or so, and settle in. So you are expected to leave your clothes and sleeping gear inside your tent while you are out enjoying music.

    I would keep in mind that this is a loosely organized festival. Security is mainly concerned about guarding their own port-o-toilet. They aren't really trained professionally incase of a real emergency. But if you do need their help, you can usually find them in their cars puffing, snorting, or eating things they stole from festival goers.

    My rare instance aside, this is a great festival and I hope it stays the same.

    I'll be back. This festival is too much fun to pass up and the music is spectacular.

    I'll stay optimistic about my next visit to Summer Camp.

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    My first Scamp experience was 2008 and I had won tickets from Sunshine Daydream. Had I not, I probably wouldn't have known what a great experience Summer Camp is! Not only is it a great weekend of fun and music, it's also a place to meet some of the nicest (and border-line crazy =0)) people ever. The music, including Moe, Umphrey's, Keller, Cornmeal, ect. is amazing! Which I'm sure everybody who attends Summer Camp already knows or else you probably wouldn't be there =P For first time Scampers I would have to say bring a variety of clothes because in the morning (at least last year) it's pretty hot, and at night it gets a little chilly. Also, tornados have been known to come that way, which I did not experience, thank goodness! All in all, Summer Camp is the only festival that I attend because it's like going home, and it's a great kick off to summer!

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