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    Tico's was awesome, but has been closed now for 2 years. It was replaced by Roberto's which is far less popular with the locals. It is more expensive for the same quality and smaller portions.

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    First of all this place is not Tico's anymore, but is now called Roberto's.  They changed ownership (but not the sign) about two years ago according to our waiter.  I often make the drive up to the East Side of the Sierras and there really are not many eating options between Lancaster and Bishop.  I saw the Yelp reviews for this place and dragged my buddy there to check it out.  The place was totally empty, which is not a good sign usually, but the food ended up not being a bad option considering it was in Mojave.  I had a chicken burrito enchilada style for only $6 and my buddy had the most ridiculously huge taco with rice and beans for $9 (see picture).  There seemed to be some celery filler in with the chicken but considering the other food options in the area, Roberto's gets an extra star for being a decent, cheap option, with good service.  I think I will put them in my options for when I am hungry during the drives to and from Mammoth.

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    This place is great, they have the best chips (always fresh and hot) and salsa. I always get the chicken tacos or suiza enchiladas. It's very cozy, and the staff is always friendly!!

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    This used to be a frequent stop for me and the family on our trips back from the Sierras or the Mojave Desert. The food here was delicious and the service was great (when they were open). Many times I passed by and it was closed on the busiest days of the week.

    They have since changed owners and the restaurant looks the same. It may be called Rico's now. But the food here is so-so now and the salsa is not all that. My girlfriend is native from Mexico and has a keen taste for Mexican food. She was disappointed in the ownership change and so was I.

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    Everyone stops in Mojave on the way to and fro Mammoth. By that point you either have to use the restroom, need to eat, get something to drink or all three. I knew on the way fro the mountain this time I wanted something different than your standard Taco Bells, KFCs and such that were being offered. Tico's looked open so we gave it a shot.

    As we pulled up to the drive through we had to do the "car dance" to get someone's attention (you know, back up/move forward/hi!pay attention to me!)  The very nice gentleman took our order and you could tell it was being made right then and there.  The total bill for three items plus a drink was under ten dollars.

    A decent bean tostada, a fabulous cheese enchilada and a bean and rice burrito later speeding down the road our bellies were full and LA was in our sight.

    It's fast, fresh, cheap and it's not Taco Bell or KFC.

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