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    Flappers is the best part of this place. Reminds me almost of a city bar. Doesnt fit into the Latrobe surrounding, which is why I like it. Couple micro brews on tap, mainly a martinit bar. Get a hint of those early speak easy tunes in the background.

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    Downstairs is for the kids.
    Middle floor for the workin' man (bar) or just in for a bite to eat (restaurant).
    Top floor if you want to sit outside or pretend you're a flapper.

    Needless to say, I always go to the top floor. Food is good, but the menu hasn't changed in a while. Lots of typical restaurant food, but a few good things. The curry chicken sammich is good. So are the scallops over some type of marinated onions (pickled onions, maybe?).

    Beer selection is OK. They have Great Lakes' Elliot Ness on tap, so that's what I usually go with.

    They'll play some 30's/40's era music which is a nice background noise. The place in general has a good vibe. Love sitting outside, even when Harley's are idling at the red light nearby, railing on the throttle.

    I once saw Arnie (Palmer) there. I took chipped a shot with my sand wedge off his Escalade and called it a day.

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    The character is AMAZING and the food is GREAT!  The building has three levels, each different from the last.   The basement is in a colonial-style bar, the middle is a restaurant, and the third, my favorite,  a haunted, 1920s style, flapper bar.  The decor, furniture, and even the music is all 1920s/flapper-esque.  Dimly lit, open late, and good wine.
    If you're the kind of person that likes atmosphere and character, this is the place for you.  If you're the kind of person that likes the typical, cookie-cutter bar, don't bother.. We don't want you! haha
    As you can probably tell, I'm a huge fan.  It has so much personality, you feel like you go back in time.  I love it.  My favorite bar out of anywhere I've been to, and I've been around!

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