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    The Toot-Toot Lounge sits above the famous Toot-Toot buffet restaurant.   The two are pretty well isolated from each other.  

    Though the is an interior connection between the two, the outside entrance directly into the lounge is more fun.   It's a very steep ramp (see photos) that leads directly from the ground floor entrance to the second floor lounge.  I couldn't help but chuckle imagining how many drunks must have tumbled down this ramp at closing time.  (I'm assuming it's a ramp instead of stairs to meet ADA requirements, though if I were in a wheelchair I think I'd think twice about such a steep ramp!)

    The bar is square shaped and sites to one side.   The lounge area is spacious and offers the usual amenities:  a pool table, touchscreen trivia, juke box, etc.   There's an area for live music and a dance floor complete with disco ball.

    I had my first and last MGD 64 at this bar.    Really, there is no reason to drink that.   But that's another writeup for another site. :)

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