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    Driving by the triangle during the day you probably wouldn't take a second look at the a frame shaped building but take a ride down that country road Friday at 11pm and the place comes alive. You are sure to see jacked up pick up trucks and boys (maybe even some girls) with skoal rings.
    Once inside you are greeted with county music and cowboy boots stomping out the beat. Have no fear if you don't know how to line dance, just jump on the dance floor and look around and someone is sure to show you a step or two. If you are so inclined stop by the bar and grab a beer or a mixed drink for $1.50.
    This place is sure to surprise you but sure to be a good time!

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    This place encompasses every "hillbilly/country folk" stereotype imaginable - which for me, makes it all the more loveable. For a visual - think: goddy belt buckles, cowboy boots, ball-bulging Wranglers (make sure you get a visual for that one), undersized shorts for the ladies and skoal rings.

    My hometown friends and I have been frequenting this place since we were 16 years old (yes, in Ohio you can legally get into a bar when you're 16). We go for the line dancing and love that the song order is still predictable after 7 years. Word of the wise on the dance floor - stay the hell back from the girls with hankerchiefs in their back pockets - they mean business and really like their dancing space.

    Admission is only $3 for those over 21. Drinks are cheap - especially compared to Indy. You could easily get sloshed for 20 bucks. Large long island iced tea complete in festive styrofoam cup for only $4.50.  

    Most music is country but around 11:30 they start throwing in some fun off the wall songs like "Stroke It" and "Pussy Control".

    Go with an open mind and heart for Garth Brooks.

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