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    I've read the reviews, I've drank the beer and eaten done of the food... Ghost chilli pepper wings are not for the light hearted and damn good.  

    if you travel as much as I do its a darn good alternative if you're a guy especially traveling alone.  During peak hours long wait for a table and I walked right up to the bar three nights in a row and sat right down...

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    As always an awesome atmosphere to go with the guys and watch the game. The food is good, all the games or fights are on, and the girls make it so fun fun. Lizzy and Shannon were awesome behind the bar.

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    I would give four stars but the wait in the evening is ridiculous! The food, very good and the service...it's okay. I do like the decor and fun atmosphere in the whole place. And you won't find a place with colder beer. Love it!

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    First off, the manager and the food were surprisingly good, however that isn't enough to garner more than one star for me.

    This is is bar far the worst service I have ever experienced in my entire life.
    Look ladies behind the bar, just cause you have a gigantic pair of fake tits and are pretty easy on the eyes doesn't excuse you from actually doing your job. You actually have to serve your customers and have to acknowledge their existence instead of standing there throwing coasters at your boyfriends head or whatever. And when I finally interrupt this asinine game it would be really nice of you to not leer at me with your hands on your hips and slam the beer down with such force that it nearly breaks the goddamn glass.

    If you don't like serving then don't do it, that fucking simple.

    Oh and I'm sorry that I actually treated you with respect and like a human being instead of trying to throw ice cubes or coasters down your shirt, apparently that's not what you're there for.

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    This place is another "Hooters" in a different outfit. That being said (and since I walked in here with my SO) it is a sports bar with alot of flat screens and probably would be a fun place to watch "whatever" sport you follow. The several times we've stopped in here, the place is packed and there is always a wait to get a table.  I do recommend the vension chili and the SO liked the chicken-fried steak. Besides the obivous female objection, my other complaint is just trying to get a table and prompt service. The servers we've had were friendly (even to me, the "wife") and really worked to take care of their tables, but with all the people (i.e. guys), you kinda felt you were being herded in and out.

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    Awesome service and loved their Cobb salad.  Anita my waitress was very nice and gave me awesome service.

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