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    This was my final stop and my favorite stop by far in Mt. Airy.  I'd been wanting to do some wine tasting and this was the perfect place for it.  They had tons of wines from a wide variety of vineyards around the area.

    I sat down at the bar and tasted about a half-dozen wines the proprietor suggested before settling on a nice glass of local Riesling.  He and I had a great chat for about 20 minutes while my wife and friend browsed for other wines to buy to take home.  We selected a couple with some funny names and took home one with a Mayberry name (Andy's Red?).  They had 4 different Mayberry themed wines and we figured why not?

    The place is trendy inside and reasonably priced.  You can taste a wide variety of wines and purchase a glass or a bottle or a case.

    The perfect end to our afternoon strolling down Main St!

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