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    Best tuna melt I remember.  Crispy bread.  Aviation!

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    I really enjoyed every visit there. Not only the server hustles, but they also have solid good food. Well, I can't hide the fact that a major reason I love it it's because I like to dine under the same roof of all there aviation legends, new space personnel and plane enthusiastic.  I love the name of the entrees F-22, Blackbird... boo-yay I had the :"on track". Breakfast egg scrambled with cactus

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    This is probably the best airport restaurant that I have ever eaten at.  I ordered the pastrami and my wife got the steak sandwich, we also got the jalapeno popper, which are a personal favorite.  The pastrami was excellent, and the coleslaw that came with it was top notch. The steak sandwich was also great, nice thick cut steak tossed with peppers, onions and BBQ sauce then topped with cheese. The real standout was the poppers, for sure some of the best I have ever had. The breading was like a cornmeal, and was light and crispy.

    We often have to travel up to mammoth to visit family, and we often stop in Mojave. Of the places we have been, this is hands down the best.

    On a side not, if you are trying to find the place, google doesn't know what its talking about. Once you get close to the airfield, just head strait to the tower, its in the same building. If you follow the directions, you will end up at the far end of the hangars.

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    My husband had the pleasure of landing here while doing a Coast Guard mission and continued to rave about the Peanut Butter Burger. I thought it sounded a little gross to be honest. When we were driving back from Vegas we visited it again and I had one. It's actually very good. Cool little place, if you're an aviation buff you'll love all the Voyager memorabilia, and there's scale composites. Restaurant is right next to the ramp, you'll never know who might fly up and park. My Hubby met Dick Rutan one day while having lunch here. Cool place.

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    Another great airport restaurant I visit from time to time. At lunch sometimes it gets real busy (since it's the only eating establishment around the airport unless you head in to the town).
    Lots of memorabilia on the wall relating to the Voyager, SpaceShipOne, etc.

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    Aviation nuts flock to this diner in hopes of seeing the famous airplane designer Burt Rutan. The diner gets 3 stars, but the overall experience is always 5 stars. The food is typical diner food, and the service is down-home good.

    We happened to be enjoying breakfast here when we saw not only Burt Rutan--but one of his latest designs: White Knight 2. My husband was drooling and it wasn't over his omelet. We ended up spending the better part of the day watching funky experimental planes circle around the runway. My dad got his photo snapped with the friendly Burt Rutan, and I'm sure I'll be seeing that pic in the living room.

    Rutan is probably most famous for designing the Voyager, the first plane to fly around the world without stopping or refueling, and the SpaceShipOne, which won the X-Prize. If you're an aviation nut, meeting or seeing Rutan is the kind of stuff that makes your year. My husband built and flies a Long EZ (which is an experimental plane designed by Rutan.)

    This café is not about the food--but still, the food is solid. We never miss a chance to stop here--you never know what the entertainment (the latest funky plane?) will be flying overhead.

    Tip: If you love aviation, ask the administrative offices for a tour of the facility (45 minutes and no cameras allowed.) Typically they do one tour a day at 2pm.

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    This is a great "$100 Hamburger" stop if you're flying in to Mojave. It's located right on the transient line with tie-downs at the door of the restaurant. If you're just driving through or in town, it may not be worth the stop, unless you want to watch the airplanes at the airport.

    The food is standard American diner food, though my burger (aptly named $100 Hamburger) was good and the fries were seasoned. It was a good amount of food for a very decent price, which was nice.

    The restaurant is decorated with pictures of Burt Rutan, his airplanes, and other historical aviation mementos, which is neat.

    The service could have been better, but I was also served by two brand new waitresses, so that had something to do with it. They were certainly friendly, though.

    All in all, if you're flying in the area, it's a good stop for lunch while you gas up the airplane.

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    This is a neat restaurant, it's right in the airport and sometimes there is a plane parked on the runway and you can google and drool over how the other half lives as they jet away in their private jets.

    The food here is generic type diner food, they did have a hamburger with peanut butter on it which of course...and I guess now that I can say that I have had it but I don't need to get it again.

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    I made a stop here on a read trip to Vegas. Katie is spot on. Don't expect anything too fancy. Don't expect anything good for vegetarians either, although they do have a 'diet plate' which consists of a hamburger without the bun (WTF?).

    It's a nice place to stop, eat, and geek out over the SpaceShipOne parked on the other side of the car park.

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    I don't expect amazing service when I arrive at an airport cafe with near forty people.  And while the teenage girl and the elderly man working both had great personalities, the service met my somewhat lackluster expectations.  

    Two people order an orange juice.  One is served in a pint glass, the other in a tiny juice glass.  Three of the six people at our table get the coffee they ordered (and it's bad).  One of the other tables of people in our group  was half through their food by the time we even ordered at my table...

    But, all of this seems acceptable given the setting; including a view of the runway and small speakers playing the flight tower radio.  

    And in contrast to the horrible coffee, the food was amazing.  I ordered the cactus and eggs with homefries and corn tortillas.  Everything was cooked perfectly and had a good amount of spice.  I ate my entire heaping plate of food and would happily have consumed more.

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