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    This is just your typical truck-stop-esque, dive-ish, dining establishment. This was the signature place of assemblage for me & three of my best male friends, & we named ourselves the Waffle Shop Kids. That was back in the day, when this place was more or less the only 24-hour joint in town (besides Wal-Mart). They lose a star for changing their hours & closing at 10, leaving us kids no place to grab grub late at night. Grr!

    The food is average, at best. There'd usually be loaded hash browns or an omelet or salad on our table, with our staple: fried mushrooms. The sad thing is, we usually had one of two different waitresses. One was really quiet & hard-working & nice... the other was nice, but kind of clueless. She'd usually just sit around & do nothing while the other girl cleaned tables & tended to customers. Also, one time, she brought us our fried mushrooms while bragging that she cooked them ALL BY HERSELF! Well, we all grabbed one & took a bite & OH HOLY GOD they were still frozen inside. I think I'll dock 'em another star for spotty service.

    & finally, what do you expect? It was more or less the only place open at 2am for miles -- literally. Scary people would drop by, usually drunk & rowdy or generally stupid people. That & the decor was pretty bad. The outside looked like a ghetto Mexican restaurant (due to the fact that that's what it was before it was Waffle Shoppe) & the walls inside had weird Doll Festival pictures on them. Some were pretty creepy looking. Lose a star for ho-hum (& sometimes scary) atmosphere.

    & there you have it. My review for a sub-par establishment in a tiny town where Yelp seems to have no presence. Maybe it's for the better... here come more "1st to review"s for me! Huzzah!

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