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    Fast food burger lovers - you have been warned. Be sure to check your order before you pull away or leave the counter. I know that Wendy's bought/owns the Tim Horton chain (primarily Canadian,donuts, etc) a while ago, but do you have to put mayo on all burgers? I feel like Bruce Willis in the "Whole Nine Yards" about mayo (well maybe, not that passionately) but it seems like every other time I stop here, my burger end up with ketchup and mayo on it, rather than what I order. I double check my receipt, order screen or verbally confirm my order and it still gets messed up. I thought it may be just this location ('cause that is the Wendy's I eat at the most), but have had it happen at other locations hundreds of miles away. It has happened twice to me in the past 6 weeks (and probably picking up from there a couple of times a week). I know that I can bring it back and they will replace the burger for free. All I want is my burger to be prepared to order, like they once claimed (hot, juicy and prepared to order). I had given up a long time ago on McD and there is no Burger King nearby, and I am getting tired of Arby's, so my fast food choices are dwindling rapidly.

    Overall, this Wendy's seems to be always clean, the window people are friendly and the service is pretty quick. It just seems that they cannot get my order correct (the other half likes mayo so it is not that big a deal for him.) Unfortunately, my expectations about eating from Wendy's is becoming a disappointment rather than being exceeded every day.

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