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    I love this place!!

    My fiancee remembered it from years back when he ended up here with his cousin on one wild night that began at an Albuquerque strip club and ended up.. where else but the Wild Pony!?

    We were in town (next one over, Belen) scoping things out for our upcoming wedding.  When they started talking about the Wild Pony, I had to see it for myself!  

    There's a huge dance floor with live bands playing often (there was a country band when we visited), the beer is cold and cheap, and the locals are a-plenty! There were also plenty of pool tables, which is mostly where all the locals were congregated. :)

    It's definitely a dive, through and through, which I love, and it's in the perfect spot!  Don't expect anything fancy but do expect to have a good time. :)  I will definitely be bringing all my friends here when they come out to NM for my wedding in October!

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