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    True Southern Charm and Southern Cooking !  Our first visit and definitely will not be our last !  Thank you for such a pleasant visit.

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    The food is beyond delicious!!!  Simple as that!!!

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    I honestly don't know why anyone would not give this place 5 stars. The food is as good as you will eat ANYWHERE, the servers are as sweet as the tea they pour in your glass, the chef is the nicest guy you'll ever meet, and the price is right.  Seriously, there's nowhere within a 30 mile radius that even comes close to comparing.

    My coworkers and I eat lunch here AT LEAST twice a week. The place is just plain awesome.

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    MEAT AND 3!!

    If you know what those words mean then you need to head to the Adairsville Inn...well worth a stop if you are driving by or in the area.  This is a great country buffet in the country.  My parents live in Adairsville...trust me, it's country.  

    Great traditional items including fried chicken, catfish, roast beef, mashed potatoes, corn, beans, peas, collards, mac & cheese, apple pie, pudding...man, I could just go on and on!!  In fact, my mouth is watering at the moment for this place.

    The restaurant is set-up in an old, traditional ante-bellum home.  It has a real nice family, homey appeal to it.  Lots of little rooms and sitting areas are found around every nook and cranny.

    The staff was super-friendly and came around often to refill beverages and remove plates.  The price is even pretty decent...well worth the quality of food they serve.

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    Comfort food at its finest.  I've only come here for the Sunday lunch buffet, so other days/meals might be different.. but it's one of the best lunch buffets I've ever tasted or been to.  It's in what I suppose is an old inn, which is basically an old house.  Though there isn't much atmosphere to speak of (plastic tables, etc), the food is stellar.

    They have a huge selection of food, and while most of the mainstays (fried chicken, mashed potatoes, mac & cheese, creamed corn, etc) are always there, they also feature a rotating selection of a few dishes too; most recently, they had chicken & dumplings, chargrilled pork chops, ranch potatoes and fried green tomatoes as the week's 'specials'.  There's also a carving station (last week was roast beef) and a giant dessert selection of homemade cakes, pies, and cobbler.  Everything is absolutely delicious, and tastes like Sunday lunches I remember at my grandmothers' houses as a child.  They also have a great salad/fruit bar with all the fixings.

    The buffet is always very well run, with staff always replenishing dishes before they run out, so everything is constantly hot and fresh.  It can get crowded on Sundays with the after-church crowd, particularly on events like Mother's Day, so I'd recommend a reservation.

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