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    This holiday weekend was spent enjoying time with people whom I love, who know me like no one else ever could, away from civilization "as we know it'. So, natch, it was perfect.

    Getting to spend some time checking this place out was a superb bonus.

    The local 'watering hole', ie the ONLY watering hole in these parts was packed to the gills when Keomarie and I rolled in.

    Normally they have karaoke Friday and Saturday nights, but this night was a special live band, "Organized Chaos". They were great and played everything from Aretha Franklin to Tom Petty to the Gin Blossoms and a few originals of their own.

    The clientele of this bar is...I've never been into a bar, anywhere, ever, where such a huge age range is present and all having a great time.

    They have poker nightly, pool tables, a wicked fun Ms PacMan, bar memorabilia adorning every surface including the ceiling, stage, dance floor area, ample tables and bar seating .......and...
    a full on bon fire out back. Not a 'fire pit", Not some propane heater bullshit, I mean a full on, dug a hole, 5 feet across and 4 feet high bon-fucking-fire.

    Couples of all ages were dancing it up to the band, from 20's to 70's, everybody was mingling and chatting and having a great time.

    The regular drink wasn't a super strong pour my any means, which was kind of *meh*...but you likely cannot get here without driving some distance on winding country roads....so maybe it's a good thing.

    And...uhm...wow. Epic Fail on Keomarie for not bringing me here (or herself) sooner. The men. good freakin lord. No 'metro', no 'hipster', no 'emo, no "frat", no 'douchey'', no 'nerds'...there is one major theme here. perfectly fitting t-shirts, tight levis and hard..hard...hard tanned bodies. in literally every age group from 21 to 71.

    When do we go back?
    Farm work does a body oh so good.

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