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    Was in town for the day and someone recommended this place.  For being so close to the southern border, I expected a little more authentic.  The salsa and guac that come to the table have a decent kick to them.  The taco salad left something to be desired.  It was essentially a taco bowl with the "mixed iceberg lettuce" you can buy in a bag at the store with a little shredded chicken on top.

    I was impressed with the promptness of the service but then again it was a table of 1 and a Tuesday lunch hour.

    The wait staff was very pleasant and the decor was very colorful.

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    Stopped while driving through Arkansas and although the service was good and the restaurant was clean the food was very bland.  The only flavor was from the frozen shrimp that lingered in my mouth way too long after the meal.

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    If there's one thing you can do one your drive home from Austin, TX back to Illinois, avoid Amigo Juan's like the plague. It's not delicious or really even edible. There are no words to describe just how nasty this place is... I would even argue that passing this place by and waiting to eat bland oatmeal at a gas station is a better option.

    The chips and salsa weren't anything. The iceberg lettuce and generic cheese for the tacos was blah. And to top it all off, Hope, AR is a dry county --so there's no redemption with ordering a margarita.

    I'm sorry Amigo. You're no friend of mine.

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    We stopped in while on vacation and we were blown away. Being from Texas, I've got a pre-conceived, Tex-Mex, notion on what Mexican food should taste like. So, I was not expecting to find authentic Mexican food in Arkansas, especially when I saw the over the top decor. But, that notion was slapped out of my head the second that I tasted the food. From award winning tacos, to the fresh, flavorful salsa. I ordered a tri meat quesadilla, which was filled with cheese and a mixture of grilled beef, chicken, and shimp in a homemade tortilla. It was, without a doubt, the best quesadilla that I've ever had. The triple threat meat mixture was awesome. It shouldn't work, it should be overkill, but it does work. Grilled to perfection, with each meat complimenting each other.
    It's a great place for the little ones, also. My children had hand made, not frozen, chicken strips and golden french fries. Which, was serve in an attention grabbing cardboard low-rider and came with a toy.

    Wild place, friendly service, awesome food!!

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    C'mon... this place is better than McDonalds! Though i agree- the green sauce is weird.. the salsa is great! they bring the chips and keep 'em coming! the restaurant is the most insane blasts of color, i've ever seen. it's like mexico on acid.

    our waitress was awesome, very friendly.... the food is $7-14 and totally mediocre but it's freakin' HOPE, ya'll.

    p.s. hope's a dry county- so don't expect a margarita at this joint.

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    good enough of a joint to eat one meal of your life at, if you don't have any other choice but to eat in hope

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    No good can come of a Mexican restaurant that seems to be run entirely by white people in Arkansas. Do not try the green sauce, even if the waitress says it's her favorite.

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