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    Our favorite Mexican joint! Great serving sizes and exceptional salsa! Friendly staff make you feel at home.

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    Love this place. Good Mexican food. So glad it's in Brownsville.

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    With our favorite Mexican Food restaurant closing over a year ago, we have been eating at different Mexican restaurants often recommended by friends.  No one has mentioned Armondo's and we just decided to try it.  We had a wonderful meal there and it's our current Mexican food restaurant.  The food is delicious and good service.  Prices average for the dinner we ordered.  What a pleasant surprise to find this place.

    Dan & Bev
    Harrisburg, Oregon

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    Common you guys, you can do better than this. If it is true that Jalisco's in Eugene is a relation, you better go there and learn a few things about tamale making. The tamales suck big dog!

    The taco arrived soaked in the sauce they spill onto everything and it felt like someone in the kitchen must be taking food out of a bag and microwaving it. Come on...Brownsville is a small town. If you don"t get it together soon, you will be closing and then what? Investment down the tubes. Oh, by the way. Put some tequila in that peach margarita, will ya?

    I told the waiter and he said, just write a note on the back of the tab. I did. Won't be back. But, hope this review makes it to the owners.

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    Very pleasant and efficient wait staff and even better food. On my one visit for lunch I ordered Armando's Special with shredded beef. I received a plate of wrapped braised beef in tortilla that had been cut in short lengths and fried stiff, served with a wonderfully flavorful fresh red vegetable sauce, guacamole, sour cream, and fresh green onions. It was one of the very best Mexican style dishes I have ever eaten. The tortilla and meat bits were crispy and delicious and went very well with the sauce and other ingredients. When I sat down I was brought a basket of warm tortilla chips and two dipping sauces, one a thin bean sauce and the other a spicy red, both excellent. Highly recommended when you are in Brownsville and worth a side trip off the freeway. While you are there visit the Museum and wander around the very authentic Oregon Pioneer downtown. If Armando's does as well on a second and third meal, it gets a fifth star. Highly recommended.

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