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    This place is no longer a hookah lounge. I wish they had changed their name before driving out there.

    If you're looking for a hookah lounge in the area, Natalie's hookah bar is just a few blocks down the way and it is absolutely fantastic.

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    Best place try it amazingly good

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    Great place to go get a Hookah, I didnt mind the drive from Arlington. Went there on a friends advice. Prices werent too extravagant and the noise level was low which is amazing because not a whole lot of hookah places are like that. The over all atmosphere is warm and welcoming and it is not hot it is nice and cool during the summers. Will dfinately be going back there again.

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    We went on Saturday night from around 11:30pm to 2am and it was a pretty good experience over-all. I'd go as far to say that it's my favorite hookah place in town, though there are a few I haven't been to yet. (We usually just hookah at home.)

    Four of us shared the Starbuzz Caramel Apple shisha with an apple bowl. It lasted us the full time we were there without it ever getting the slightest bit burnt or getting weak. The temperature was perfect, the air seemed nicely circulated, and there weren't any drafts to ruin smoke rings. They were a little slow getting the hookah out even though there were only about two other groups there, but our guy apologized for it as soon as he brought it over. Everyone there was very nice, the atmosphere was very relaxed, and the seating was comfy. They play better music than all the other local places we've been to and it wasn't filled with young kids. Ashes is a bit pricey, but well worth it.

    Here's more detailed stuff based on when we visited (remember, they could change any of this info as they see fit):

    "Traditional Sheeshas" (how they spelled shisha) are Al-Nakhla, Al Waha, and Al Fakhir. These were $10.99 to smoke there and $6.99 to refill. "Social Sheesha" is Social Smoke and seems to be their brand of choice. It was $13.99 and $7.99 to refill. "Exotic Sheesha" is Starbuzz and the only brand I smoke. It was $17.99 and $8.99 to refill. They also had "Exquistic (Exquisite??) Guest's Mix" which were mixed shisha flavors using Social Smoke's shisha. It was $17.99 and $8.99 to refill.

    They have a big list of things you can add to the base for $4.99 which included apple juice, orange juice, lemonade, strawberry, skittles (candy), coke, and milk. You can also substitute fruit for the ceramic bowl for $4.99. To my surprise, they had quite a few options - apple, orange, cantaloupe, peach, and for $5.99 they had pineapple.

    Three people are allowed to a hookah, but you can pay $3.99 extra to add a person to that. You can also pay $2.99 to get a double hose hookah instead of the regular single hosed ones.

    Some music they played while we were there: reggae, alternative, Hendrix cover, Led Zeplin, Cake, The Police, video game style music, "Crimson and Clover," "Closing Time," "Stairway to Heaven."

    They had sports on the TVs, but it wasn't distracting or annoying even though I don't like sports. The sound was off, so it was just sorta there. I approved.

    On their Yelp page (you know, here) they said they had appetizers, deserts, and hot drinks, but when we were there they didn't have any or didn't advertise it in any way. A friend asked if they had hot tea and our guy said they didn't.

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