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    Two stars for food. Four stars for atmosphere. Thus, we have a three star average.

    Base Camp is sited at a climbing school, and so it is an extremely outdoorsy, rustic experience. There are roofs but no walls, splintery picnic tables, and you order at a counter and wait for your order to be called.  In bad weather, thank goodness, there are outdoor heating units which you will gratefully huddle next to.

    The other diners are almost guaranteed to be rowdy and possibly drunk men who will soon be summiting the mountain. This is fun for us non-climbers, because you can hear all the details of the next day's adventure.

    As for the pizza... meh.

    And the service is a rousing... meh.

    But I would bet that in non-hideous weather, this might be a really fun place to be. So give it a try.

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