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    Great food, but don't go here if you have a schedule. The service is really slow and sometimes inattentive.

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    So I came here some time ago and the place was great. The food was also very good. The only thing that wasn't great was the service. We got our food served and then we were just forgotten. No refills on our food, or didn't ask us if we wanted another drink. Nothing. We even had to chase the waiter around to get our tickets. Other than the waiting staff being bad and rude, everything is great. Good ambience and good drink selection.

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    Went there last night and sat at the bar. There were 5 people working behind the bar/cooking. Not one of them acknowledged I was there, even though one of the guys walked right by me to help himself to a jaeger shot, and the girl served beers to the three girls next to me. In addition, the music in the kitchen and the music for the restaurant were competing against each other. Very disheartening that one of the few local options for non-college students was a huge disappointment. Obviously never even saw a menu.

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    Love this place! Good beer, delicious burgers. I usually don't love the bands they bring in, but I'm still glad they bring them. Happy to have this place in town.

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    Stop by on a Sunday around noon. Ordered up a sandwich and a beer. I passed this place during the week and promised myself I'd stop in and explore. I wasn't expecting much....just some bar food. I was pleasantly surprised. First thing I notice is the Manager and his direction of staff. The guy is a stickler for detail from the way saran wrap is placed over condiment compartments to stapling food checks to credit card receipts.

    Now onto the food. Everything was fresh and delicious. They do not skimp on serving size.  Kudos to staff and management for keeping and presenting a clean place with excellent food.

    I was so impressed, I took a group of business men here for lunch the following week. Again, we all had a great meal. Looks like there is music on the weekends; so I'll be returning then.

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    I'm from Atlanta and stopped by this evening for a bite and drinks. Place is super cool looking, burger and fries were excellent, and the service/clientele were very friendly. Classy joint!

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    I grew up in Valdosta, and spent my first year of college here as well. After living in Atlanta, Arlington, and DC, I can say that Bleu pub is a refreshing find. There was a time when it seemed that the only bars in Valdosta were rowdy, smoke filled dens of *#(@*$# beer. (Which have their place, and I thoroughly enjoy on occasion.)

    I was part of a group that ordered an appetizer or two and several pitchers of beer. They have a decent selection of beers on tap, and the food was a-ok. I'm told that it is fantastic, but we didn't sample too much food.

    The atmosphere was just...chill. The staff were friendly and seemed to give a damn about the place. They also knew their beer, made recommendations, and chatted with us. An overzealous friend ordered a pitcher of stout, which the bartender replaced with a nice ale moments later. He saw that we didn't like it, smiled, and replaced it. We weren't going to ask him to do that, either. Nice.

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