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    Decent food, decent prices, and pretty good service. There was some interesting acoustics with the bathroom but overall I'd say that if I'm in Packwood looking for breakfast/lunch out, here is where I'd go.

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    Good food, but they got overwhelmed really easily when we were here over Labor Day and it was crowded. It was a bit pricey, but considering there weren't a whole lot of choices in Packwood, it wasn't bad. We ate here for breakfast a few different times. The food was pretty decent greasy-spoon type food.
    Oh, and there are some funky acoustics going on in the bathroom. Standing in a stall I could hear my family at a table across the room. It literally sounded as though their table was outside the bathroom door- it was clear enough that I could pick out individual voices. My brother said the same thing happened in the men's bathroom.

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    Well, it's under $10 if you don't order a drink with it.....  Iced tea was $2, and I consider that pricey.  The burger was pretty good and thick.  I ordered potato salad instead of fries. The potato salad wasn't the best I've ever had, but it was pretty good.  The server said the bar makes their own.    What I liked about it was that it wasn't "pickle sweet" like you buy in the store.  I went about 4:30 in the afternoon, and it wasn't crowded at all.  I walked to it, as I was staying in a nearby campground.

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