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    Great place.  Played here with my band.  They treated us very well - good Pay and food and drinks.  The food was excellent, but I have to knock off a star because there was nothing green on the menu!  We had Smoker Sampler platters with ribs and pulled Pork, all very delicious.  They have a great variety of sandwiches and sides - the fried pickles were delicious (but the healthiest thing on the menu).  Serving
    Coleslaw with the BBQ would inspire 5 Stars I think.

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    Mostly friendly staff, solid drink specials, patio, impressive blues jams and extensive beer selection. Couldn't ask for more in a dive bar.  If you don't like smoke, want to be surrounded by well dressed young professionals and are really picky then why would you stumble into a dive bar in the first place?

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    Dive bar with cornhole in the back and cider in the cooler! They don't do food on Sunday, but we happened to catch the monthly trivia night which was 90s themed and silly. For us it was a good place to hang out when in Maryville.

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    I really miss this place. All my nights out usually started or ended here when I lived in Alcoa. Drinks are cheap and the live music is usually great.

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    Great music.

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    Being a maryville native I really wanted to rate this higher but just really couldn't do it. True it does have great music, that doesn't outway the smoke filled main area of the bar. I truly love a dive bar but this was too much even for me. First we were the only people there under the age of 50 and were apparently waaaaay over dressed on the account that we were not planning on going here. Then we ordered 4 beers, which took 20 minutes to get and out of the 4 glasses 2 of them were broken to the point it actually hurt to drink out of. When we said something they made it seem like it was our fault. The only fun part was sharing war stories with the old veterans around the bar. Its too bad because the balcony outback and location could make this place great. I probably won't be going back anytime soon. If you are a smoker you may love this place and more power to you.

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    Ah, the local watering hole. Being a graduate of Maryville College I spent many a night here. Great blues atmosphere, sports on tv, strong drinks, fair prices, darts, cornhole, and outdoor patio all combine for a good time. This place is one of my all time favorite bars.

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