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    This bar is within walking distance of the leaf and vine and the subhouse. I typically go here as the last part of every night. I suggest going after midnight.  The crowd here is typically 30 and younger.

    The best thing about this bar is that it has a little bit of everything. Out front they have  a bar that is good for talking because its quiet enough you don't have to yell. Besides that is a dance floor where they have a DJ on Friday and Saturday night, although they do struggle to get people dancing even on weekends if its a slow weekend day. Outside they have tables you can both smoke and drink on that overlooks the river. Upstairs you have pool and fooseball.

    The negative about this place is that on some weekend nights they struggle to bring enough people to make it fun.

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    I don't know exactly what it's like now.  The last time I was there was for my reunion in 2003.  It still rocked.  

    The Brewery was the place to be.  I even worked there for several years.  It was great.  Sneaking shots during your shift.   Serving all your friends (well, maybe I would have rather been drinking with them).  I would love to have  beer or two there again.....

    One of my best memories of the Brewery is leaving with some guy named Rusty (who happened to sometime be in my class at THS--i think he dropped out) and going to party with several of the guys from the group Cameo.  One of my brushes with greatness (okay--maybe not).

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