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    Horrendous experience on a Saturday evening.  The place was empty yet the service was beyond horrible. TVs were all broken, the beer on special was out and the food was not worth reviewing.  We asked for our check when our food arrived because we knew it would take a long time.  When she brought our check back she asked us if we needed boxes and if we did it would be a while because she had some stuff to do.  However, upon exiting the restaurant our waitress and 2 other staff members were all outside, sitting down and smoking.  We will never return here.

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    Friendly staff, varied menu and a good variety of beers. All this and fair prices make it one of the two best restaurants in this small town. Oh, and TV's at your table!

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    The food I have been served here is slightly under mediocre. Nothing was exponentially bad but not memorable in the least.  As mentioned previously you will not leave hungry as the portions are generous.

    The service is friendly and the decor reminds me of a grandmas basement. They have a nice spot overlooking the river but if you don't tend to the landscaping this novelty is lost.

    If you are hungry and don't mind sacrificing food taste and quality for generous portions and medium pricing then stop in- however if you have enough fuel in the vehicle than I recommend you continue on to Kzoo and try somewhere else.

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    Pretty solid 3 star place. Food was alright. Both our entrees were pretty mediocre (I had a gyro that was possibly the most greasy gyro I ever had) but the highlight of the meal was the chocolate lava cake. Delicious!! It also came with general scoops of ice cream. Service was fast and friendly.

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  • 0

    Nothing spectacular in terms of food, but service is typically friendly and you won't leave hungry.

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