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    I was amused by Nick N.'s review of Brock's Gap Service. So I knew I had to experience this place at least once during my recent trip to Bryce Mountain.

    As I was out exploring the area, I stopped in at lunch time. I walked in and took a seat at the bar. The guy behind the bar asked if he could help me. I responded I was in for something to eat. The menus are encased in a short plastic holder sitting on the bar (see attached pic). As such, it is not a long menu. I ordered a Cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato, onions, and pickles, plus a bottle of water and a beer - Coors Light in a bottle.

    While I was waiting, I took note of the ambiance. Two locals sitting across the bar drinking Bud longnecks and smoking cigarettes - talking local stuff - mostly a lot of deer hunting discussions colorfully laden with much cussing. :-) None of the nonsense with folks eyeing me suspiciously - of course I probably look like a local (jeans, Harley-Davidson t-shirt, VT camo ball cap, sunglasses, grizzled unshaven look).

    Behind the bar on the wall - there are lots and lots of cigarettes, tobacco products, and ammunition for sale.

    When the burger came out - it was served on a soft white bun. And it was easily one of the blandest, least exciting burgers I've ever eaten. But I was hungry and it was food. It was served with a side of potato chips.

    After I finished the burger and chips, I chugged down my ice cold Coors Light, paid my bill and was on the road.

    So, if you want to experience some true backwoods Americana - this is a place to get a taste of it. If you don't mind cigarette smoke.

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    Guns, burgers and beer.

    Every once in a while you stumble into a place that blows your mind. Or wind up in a joint that you could get your brains blown out.

    As you push open the worn screen door and step in, you go through a time warp. Not like a cheesy modern chain restaurant that decorated its walls with imitation Chinese made fake antiques. This place is an antique. If you are not a local, don't expect to be welcomed by a bubbly teenage host with lots of flair on her uniform. Picture.... faded trodden floors...elbow worn linoleum bar top...poor lighting...poor air conditioning...suspicious local patrons....guns and ammunition on display ...a feeling of impending doom as you walk in.  
    There is a large cooler with beer at one end of the place.

    Move through...don't make eye contact, sit down, shut up.  I recommend the creaky bench seat with a nice view of the dry river bed from a dirty single pane window. Dont expect service. Get up (everybody stops talking, puts their hand under their shirt) as you move to the waist high bar)...."Hi....uh...I'll have a beer" .  After enduring what seems like an eternity...the lady behind the bar slams one down on the bar (deciding what kind you city folk deserve). Take it...go back to your seat (cue sounds of hammers retracting on old western six shooters).  The beer is ICE COLD. Probably because your fight or flight instincts have been in full effect (like an impala feeling the claws of a lion nicking at his ass cheeks) and your mouth is hot and dry.

    Trivia: This is the LAST true "road house" in the USA. You can literally buy a burger, a beer, and a gun with ammunition while sitting at the bar (you have to make the fire arm purchase on a separate ticket....stupid ATF rules). There are lots of guns to choose from...only 2 burgers....cheese or no cheese. If you order a burger endure the deep sighing lady who has to don an apron and heat up the grill.  It will be an excellent burger....then again, I'm sure those condemned on death row enjoy that final meal like it was...uh well, their last meal.  

    Bottom line:  Places like this don't exist anymore. Cracker Barrell near the interstate would be less risky but the closer you come to death, the more you know you're living.

    If you're in Broadway....uh....if you're ever lost and end up in Broadway VA, step back in time and have a beer at Brock's Gap Service.  Just reach for your wallet when its time to pay the tab.....verrrrrrryyyyy slooooowwwwwlllly.

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