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    This place was awful, even for a Buffalo Wild Wings.  Beside the mediocre, over-priced food, my group and I went here for the first game in the ALDS to see the Tigers beat the A's.  They have three projection televisions, all of which are misfocused, and project onto the wooden frame around the screen.  The "manager" - some unattentive woman, not qualified to lead a parade - was rude and verbally abusive to her staff.  

    The best (worst) part was that they didn't even know what channel the game was on.  Almost everyone in the place was there to see the Tigers' game, so you would think a sports bar would at least know what channel it was on.  I walked up on two different occasions to tell the manager-beast it was on Channel 247.  The first time she ignored me and continued to scroll through the porn titles in the Cinemax channels (now my niece knows there's a movie called "Anal Sluts 3"), the second time she snapped back at me, and told me she was getting there.  I replied "you're not even close, you idiot.  Scroll through porn at home!"  Eventually, someone with another chromosone took over, and the game came on three batters and one run into the game.  

    This place is a poorly managed dump.  The only highlight was our server.  She did well despite working for an idiot.

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    Stopped on our way to the movies. Great service, food was ok.

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    This is all about picking the right time to go. If its Friday or Saturday night, good look with the movie crowd. Sunday nights are excellent to spend some time here watching the game.  I usually sit at the bar because if Star is working I know I will get a cold beer when it's time and she doesn't ignore any of her customers.  She's top notch. I know this is a wing place, but I really love the burgers. Trying to think of another place in Grand Blanc that has better burgers....nope, there isn't one. So good staff, service, food, the only reason its not a five is there are times I go and cannot get a seat cause of the movie crowd.

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    I miss the old BW3 in East Lansing.  This place just isn't the same.  The wings are just as good, but it just seems too clean and corporate for me.  Oh well.  The wings are great and the beer selection is awesome.  Try the "spicy garlic" wings with a Newcastle Brown.

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    Brand new B-Dubs right by the NCG theater in downtown Grand Blanc. Just like any other Buffalo Wild Wings, except when you have a few too many, you have the option of walking over and catching a movie before jumping in the car to drive home. Superb.

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