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    The Bugle Boy is a fantastic place to hear independent live music - well worth the 1-hour drive from Houston or Austin!  I started coming to see shows here while temporarily living in Fayette County, and have continued to make the drive back regularly.  The atmosphere is friendly and inviting; in fact, it would be hard for anyone to write a review without "knowing" the owner, Lane Gosnay, because it only takes a couple of visits before she starts greeting you at the door by name with a big hug.

    This isn't your average music club:  The Bugle Boy is a non-smoking "listening room," which means the musicians don't compete with the audience for airtime - talking during the show is unacceptable.  After having some great shows in Austin nearly ruined for me by loud drunk people talking over the music, I REALLY appreciate this.   Audiences range in size from 10-15 people to 50-70 people, depending on the performer, and usually consist of a handful of locals and a bunch of professional couples aged 50+ who've driven in from Austin or Houston.  The format means you have a nice opportunity to talk with the performers in between sets or after the show -- more than once I have been happily chatting up someone before the show only to have them excuse themselves to go up on stage.

    Performers run the gamut from completely unknown (read:  up and coming) to very popular artists who draw big crowds in Austin (e.g., Eliza Gilkyson, Sara Hickman, Carolyn Wonderland, Ruthie Foster, Guy Forsythe, etc) and they plainly love playing the venue because they keep coming back.  Shows usually run from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. and consist of two sets with a break in between.  You can get coffee beverages, beer, wine, smoothies, and snacks, but it's a good idea to eat dinner before the show.

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