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    Been to this bar for the last 12 years.  I wouldn't bring kids her because it is a biker/VFW and you should EXPECT the language not to be kid or soft ear friendly.  The food is always good and if you take offence to the names of the items, tough it out and grow a couple.  This is a bar for those people looking for a great time, not for fair weathered bikers.

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    This is a great place with good feel and character. Solid military influence in the decorations which means tons to look at both inside and out. The bartender was great, she also cooked a very large burger which was excellent. No complaints on the food. Beer was good and cold. There's plenty of motorcycle parking out front. The bathroom was clean. It is fairly dark inside with the music set at a reasonable level. There were just a few tvs so it may not be the best place to catch a game. You could bring your kids and sit outside seeing the military memorabilia. i mention that because inside I did hear a song laden with very offensive language that was also reported in a prior review. I don't think that should count against a bar as it is a bar after all, not a place for kids, except perhaps outside. There is a large deck that surrounds the back with plenty of seating. Overall a very solid Wisconsin bar with much to offer in the way of proud Americans and decent food.

    Does it have the best food in town? Probably not.
    Does it have a kid friendly environment? Probably not.

    Does it have enough military equipment to start a small coup? Yes, and that's why you should go here. Truly a unique experience.

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    really, drove our bikes up from Chicago. great first impression, then we ordered food...BIG MISTAKE!!! told it would take about 30 mins...ok no problem.an hour and forty five minutes went by, we asked how long ...its on the grill. LIE!!! said 5-10 minutes. From ordering to eating 2 1/2 hours!!! really. my beef I think was done when we ordered...DRY!!!! burnt bread AWFULL!! everyone's burgers were good. onion rings a greasy mess. we were not looking for 5 star. however, we were looking to eat. will never head to this destination again!!!!!!!!!

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    Really Walt, one star because The Bunker is not kid friendly?!?!?

    Some Yelpers really confuse me!!

    The Bunker is a great bar, a true classic.  Cheap drinks, great food, friendly staff and MEAT RAFFLES!!!

    The bar is also protected by tanks, an airplane and a helicopter!!!

    It's just a cool place.

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    Armed forces theme may be well-intended, BUT
    1.) understand that this is a biker bar,
    2.) not a place to take kids unless you're prepared to explain the macabre names of the food (french fries are called 'pungi sticks'). And
    3.) cover your kids' ears (and your own) for the x rated lyrics the biker band outside is singing.
    Average (below) bar food at cheap prices doesn't make up for creepy, disrespectful experience.

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    great place.  biker friendly.  great bartenders.

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    This is fun out of the way place......great for all of the Vets ....makes it alot of fun to look at the photos and items on the wall.  Food is fun.. drinks are reasonable.  Just a nice little place to stop in for a burger and an ice cold one!

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    If you're a vet or just like military memorabilia and good food, check out the Bunker. The owners are really nice to talk to and have been around the world. There is a million things to look at out and inside the place to give you reason enough to come back. The beers are cheap and the food is good. I think that anyone that goes in will want to come back. Bring some military 'junk' in with you and they just may put it on their wall for future patrons. Great little bar/food.

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    I used to live in Waterford for many years and visited the Bunker at least once a week. Great drink specials, fun raffles, great events and good drinks. Friendly crowd, usually a lot of bikers. Love the old war planes in their back yard.

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    Love The Bunker.  Awesome hamburgers!  Great and friendly service!  It doesn't get much better than The Bunker!

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    Two words. MEAT RAFFLE.  The bar was raffling off various cuts of meat all afternoon. Pork Loin. Ham. 10 lbs of crab legs. Lobster Tail. Alas, we didn't win any meat, mainly because we didn't buy any tickets. However, $2.50 beers all afternoon combined with the culinary experts at the fryer made for a lovely afternoon of day drinking.

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    The meat raffle is back, folks!  Honestly, I didn't even know that The Bunker had a meat raffle or that they stopped raffling meat, but now it's back!  

    There was a lot of meat being raffled.  A pork loin as long as my arm, ten pounds of crab legs, and a big old Christmas ham.  All for the low price of $5 for three tickets.  Or was that $3 for 5 tickets?  The $2.50 tappers made my memory a little fuzzy.

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